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Will you complete the work?

Rev 3:2 (ESV)- Wake up, and strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your works complete in the sight of my God.

Yesterday was an awesome day where the Lord allowed me to see myself in a different way. What I mean, the Lord showed me another way, another tool, another resource for ministry. Here in this scripture Jesus was talking to the church of Sardis letting them know their work for God was not complete. Now, here we are today, with so many churches, ministries, and individuals still not desiring to shift their attitudes regarding God's work. We are faced with COVID-19, mass shootings, racisms, and homelessness. No matter what is going on in the Earth, the church must look to see what work God is calling them to do. God is calling us to not focus on all of our old accolades and programs but what new things we can introduce. What future victories is God calling us or you to work? Wake up........ we can't keep doing the same things, but we must find ways to strengthen what remains. In fact, over the last few weeks, I began to shift my ministry even more "around" my workplace. The traditional way of outreach is not the same. We can still say "each one reach one"; however how we demonstrate this must be different. Even Jesus had a work to complete and as I recall about his journey to completion I have not been able to find any evidence of duplication. Wake up, let's not be satisfied with the way things are, but let's shift our focus on strengthen everything so we can complete the work. No more, one size fit all programs or solutions. Will you complete the work?

Love you,

Pastor Jai

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