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Who do you say I am?

Matthew 16:15-17 (NIV) - 15 “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?”

16 Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”

17 Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven.

Let's talk. One think for sure is our relationship with Jesus is very personal. It helps us to walk out the very promises of God. Even though Jesus, asked the disciples "who do men say I am?", he really wanted to know about their individual thoughts. Today, we are faced with answering the same question. "Who do we say Jesus is?

Are we demonstrating who we believe Jesus is in our lives? Have we became a group of believers without hope? We should be living out the revelations he has revealed to us thru the Holy Spirit to fulfill our purpose. I know it's scary and I know it may seem overwhelming, but it is God's responsibility to bring all the pieces together we just follow his lead. We follow his lead by not only being hearers of his word, but doers of his word. If we say he is the salt of the earth, then we should be sprinkling his love to everyone starting at birth. If we say he is the Bread of Life, then we should be introducing people to Christ. If we say we are his hands and feet, then we should not just be stilling in our church seat. If you say he is mine, then we should not have any problem given him his time.

Will you take time out this week to share with at least five people about "Who do you say Jesus is". Your verify testimony could allow the love of Jesus to rush in and lead them to the altar? Who we say and believe Jesus is gives us the very hope of salvation. It is the very reason we can say he is our Savior. If we say he is our Savior, then it should be helping us with our behavior.

"Who do you say I am?" Today, I say Jesus is the Great Physician. He reminded me this morning about when one of my friends asked me to fill in for her at a church where she was to speak about being a breast cancer survivor. I was like Lord, now I'm not a breast cancer survivor and he said yes you are. What he revealed to me was as the Great Physician I can provide healing at anytime. I can cut-off a disease before it even has time to manifest in your body and that makes you a survivor. May this encouraged someone today who may not be feeling right in there body. I declare and decree that the Great Physician is your portion today and that any sickness or disease that tries to manifest in your body the Lord has already cut it off. I prophesy you or a survivor from all genetic diseases that has come up thru your blood line back to the the fourth generation. We curse it to the root and send it back from whence it came and we plead the blood of Jesus over it all. IN JESUS NAME AMEN.

I love you,

Pastor Jai

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