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Under Attack

2 Corinthians 10:4-5(NIV) - 4 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

I woke up this morning to another senseless shooting in the United States. A number of people attending a concert in Miami was shot at by three gunman. I heard the Lord say that this attack was intentional; therefore we must be intentional with our prayers. The enemy continues to launch his attack on God's plan and God needs us to engage through much prayer. I can hear the clarion call in the spirit...We're under attack. What must we do? I am glad you asked.

Today we must take a stand against anything that goes against the truth of God and his Word. We must use prayer and our God-given authority to come against the gates of hell. We must command every demonic thought that arises to be subjected to the authority of Jesus Christ. Every disobedient spirit must bow down to the obedience of Jesus Christ. We must pray the enemy out of our lives, our spouses, our children, our workplace, our communities, our cities, ours states and our nation. We have to get on our post and drive these demons out. We must declare that no weapon formed against us shall prosper because the spirit of the Lord is with us. We can't just sit back and take what the enemy is giving us; we must fight back with strong prayer which can be found in his Holy Word.

Remember, we may be under attack, but we have the number one General on our side, Jehovah-Nissi, Elohim Shomri, the Lord God our protector. He is our rock and our shield and he has equipped us for the battle.

On today remember Jesus Christ, our number one five-star general, also remember all of my fellow veterans who served and lost their lives fighting real wars here and on foreign soil. To God be the Glory for the things he has done. Keep fighting in prayer.

Love you,

Pastor Jai

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