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Trust gives us comfort

It is recorded in the book of Nahum 1: 7 - 9 (NLT) - The Lord is good, a strong refuge when trouble comes. He is close to those who trust in him. 8 But he will sweep away his enemies[a] in an overwhelming flood. He will pursue his foes into the darkness of night. 9 Why are you scheming against the Lord? He will destroy you with one blow; he won’t need to strike twice!

Listen everyone, no matter what is going on in this world as it relates to politics, racism, social injustice and just day-to-day issues; we know that the Lord is good, and he has all the resources to keep us safe. If trouble comes, the scriptures assures us that the Lord will not only sweep our enemies away, but he does it with one strike. We just need to trust HIM. In trust we find hope, safety, and help. Trust does not mean we don't have an active part; it means we look at the situations thru God's eyes and apply HIS WORD. We acknowledge that we can't resolve this without his guidance. I know we are being face with some hard times(job losses, Covid-19, digital learning, election issues, etc...) which brings about fear, worry, doubt and anxiety, but just as the Lord delivered his people in Nineveh he surely will deliver us. Let's exercise trust today by not murmuring and complaining, cutting off any bitterness, extending more patience and saying, "Not my will Lord, but your will be done". I believe these few things will help us build our trust in the Lord. I declare today that we will enlarge our soul in the area of trust, so that we will continue to be close to God for He is the one who give us comfort when trouble comes. I love the lyrics written by Louise Snead, "Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take him at his word.". Let this be your mantra.

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Patricia Fitts
Patricia Fitts
23 ago 2020


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