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Deuteronomy 10:17(ESV) - For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God, who is not partial and takes no bribe.

Yesterday my family and I had a wonderful time at TOP Golf. TOP Golf is an inside entertainment facility where you go and hit golf balls. Now, before the break of dawn, God whispers to me "I am the TOP GOD".

It has been a one year and we have been lockdown due to the COVID pandemic. Chapter 10 of Deuteronomy speaks about God's recovery plan for Israel. God has a recovery plan for us too. In fact, our recovery plan is wrapped up in us allowing him to be our TOP GOD. When GOD is our TOP GOD we get the benefits of a enduring priesthood - Jesus our mediator, instructions for our lives, and a GOD who takes care of us. We have to be careful to ensure we don't allow other things to become our TOP GOD. One thing I observed while playing golf, is those golf balls were every where on that course; however the micro-chip inside the balls help to track the location of the balls. The micro-chip also allows them to take care of the balls. God does not have a micro-chip in us; however our obedience is the micro-chip that allows GOD to take care of us. Our TOP GOD is omnipresent and because he is omnipresence that makes him the God of all gods and Lord of all Lords. Nothing compares to HIM.

If God is not your TOP GOD. It is not too late to choose Him. Make GOD your TOP GOD today. Move forward in obedience this season.

Love you,

Pastor Jai

I don't own the rights to this video:

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