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Times/Seasons Change

Daniel 2:21(ESV) - He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding;

Did you notice? According to the Gregorian calendar we had a change on yesterday, but the scripture above let us know that it is God who changes times and seasons. All people experience changes in times and seasons, but there are two problems we face. Those two problems are do we notice and do we have understanding in order to receive wisdom and knowledge?

Like King Nebuchadnezzar, he did notice the difference in his dream, but he lacked the understanding to receive wisdom and knowledge to know what the dream meant. As believers we need to take notice of God and how he changes the times and the seasons. How do we respond? We respond by praising God for his power and his might. For example, when COVID -19 hit our nation there was no real explanation; however as believers our response should have been " God is in control and he is more powerful than any virus" and by understanding it is God who gives wisdom and knowledge through sincere prayer not selfish or self-centered motives prayers is the way we governed our daily journeys. Moreover, when we see a change in times and seasons, we should seek God's face and allow him to provide us a revelation. I love how Daniel ask his friends to pray with him concerning the change and how Daniel receive understanding and God gave him wisdom and knowledge to answer the king's request. We must understand that God does not remain silent when we are earnestly praying to him. He must respond.

Then, Daniel response was praising God for the revelation even though he had not delivered the response. He had the promise to God's plan. When we have the promise to God's plan we have to do like the lyrics of one song, "Praise him in advance". If we are able to praise him in advance for the promise it solidifies the level of our understand regarding faith. "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Understanding how kingdom times and seasons work is a great way for us to take notice and exercise faith.

On this Passion Sunday, have you taken notice of God's new times and seasons? Jesus had a clear understanding of God's times and seasons and because of that wisdom and knowledge he held on to the promise of God's plan for us. If God gave you a promise, it is for his plan. Want you seal it today by praising him until you see the manifestation of His promise and then keep praising Him once you receive the promise.

Lord, we praise you because you are the Time and Season Changer of our lives and today we pray and ask for understanding so that you will give us wisdom and knowledge to respond properly to your time and season changes, it is in the might name of Jesus we pray, AMEN.

I do not own the rights to this song:

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