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The Promises of Sufferings

I Peter 5:10(ESV) - And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.

Yesterday, my day was so awesome. I got up around 9:30 am an participated in an woman's mentorship event and then laid back down in my bed around 12:30 pm. I slept until 4:00 pm. It felt so good. The interesting thing about my day I had only eaten a few Ritz crackers. I did not eat or drink anything again until 8:00 pm. Clearly, I recognize God had placed me a fast. He spoke the words renew and reset. How many of you need to be renewed or perhaps need a reset? I love the fact that God will only allow us to suffer for a little while. I found out while in one of my studies that a little while meant less than three months; however with God who knows his timing. Moreover, the promises of God are so refreshing. This past year we have endured some sufferings, but let me tell you these sufferings are not in vain. These sufferings make us a better version of what God has called us to be. The greater joy is that because of His grace we will be extended eternal glory. While we are still down here on Earth the Lord, our God watches over us and we must learn to take notice of the times he call us to rest from our sufferings. Nevertheless, due to these sufferings He promised to restore us. What is he restoring? Everything the devil tried to still (Joel 2:25). He promised to confirm us. What is he confirming? We are His children (Romans 8:16). He promised to strengthen us. What is he strengthen? He is strengthen our minds (Timothy 1:7). Last, but not least he promised to establish us. What is he establishing? A spiritual gift in you (Romans 1:11). In conclusion, don't get caught up in the sufferings, know God is working it out for your good.

Be bless.

Pastor Jai

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