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Jeremiah 10:23(NIV) - Lord, I know that people’s lives are not their own; it is not for them to direct their steps.

I know you are familiar with R&B singer Janet Jackson. She recorded the song Control. The lyrics talk about her always doing what people told her and now she is in control. I understand Ms. Jackson's dilemma because many of us are doing what someone else is telling us. There are many circumstances that require us to follow other people instructions such as our jobs and children obeying parents; however, Jeremiah 10 reminds us today about the things we are following and not following God's instructions. In fact, it is also recorded in Psalms 37:23, "The steps of a good man are order by God". If we do not constantly checking our will verses God's will we can find ourselves following idols. It is lent lent season and what an appropriate time to surrender our lives to God.

What are some of those things we want to be in control of and God is pulling on us to just follow him? What things have we made idols knowing they are just mere illusions and can't compare to God's promises? Jeremiah reminds us God created everything and then he cries out to God that the tent(church) is broken and the children are lost(clueless) and killed(refuse to surrender). God, I don't know why we are still dealing with this pandemic that has consumed so many lives, but as Jeremiah petition God, I am petition you as well. God I know as a nation we need correction and chastisement, but please not with anger. God correct us with your love and your mercy. God help us to surrender completely to you because we can do nothing without you. Lord, reveal to us every idol we have raised up in our minds and our hearts that have taken your place. We repent God and look unto you who is the author and finisher of our faith. Hear our prayer today our Lord as we diligently seek to surrender our lives to you and we seal it with your son's precious blood in Jesus Name we pray. Amen.

I love you all,

Pastor Jai

I don't own the rights to this song:

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