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Matthew 6:33(NIV) - 33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

What is going on right now in your life that needs to be prioritized or reassessed and then prioritized again? Often we have so many things going on that gets in the way of our purpose and our ability to do kingdom business. This past week has been awesome for me because I have had time to reassess and re-prioritize some things in my life. I am reminded by this particular scripture to help me prioritized. Let me help you today to apply this scripture to your situations, jobs and all those to-do-list you have created. Come on let's dig in.

First let's look at why you are called to a place, person or people. It is important to know the why? The why helps us to put situations and people in the right priority category and in the right place. God always has his kingdom plan in mind no matter what we are doing. So, let's do a quick spiritual God's will being done or is it your will? Can we find love, peace and joy in the matter? If not, pray, fast, check your motives, ask for forgiveness and allow God to reveal how to move forward with the situation. The is a part of seeking His kingdom. We need to be able to sharpen our spiritual eyes to get a peek of heaven so, we can manifest it here on earth.

Next is seeking his righteousness. This means to seek God first. Many people believe it is about the physical church. Just like right now, when will the church reopen? People are still renovating and resurrecting effaces, but not renewing their hearts or their minds. It makes no sense to back into the church if your hearts and minds haven't changed. We should be drawing nearer to him with a clean hands and a pure heart. This is what it means to seek his righteousness. You can't build it or buy it, but it is freely given to us and requires much discipline on our part. Just remember when your are prioritizing just, that his burden is easy and is yoke is light.

Lastly, we win. We get the victory. Placing things in our life in its right place allows us to have access to the blessings of the Lord. One of the current things advocates are fighting for right now is the removal of access of people ability to vote. Restricting someone access to things is a reason to fight. Don't you want to fight for your access to the things of God? Start to day by getting your prioritizes in order.

Be bless,

Pastor Jai

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