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Past, Present and Future

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5: 17 (NIV)- Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!"

Yesterday I had an awesome time at my son's school. My son is in NJROTC and it was their time to sponsor what they call a "drill meet". Different schools from around Georgia get together and they compete in various military drills to include athletics. There were several things that made the day awesome, but one of the things that stood out for me was there were three generations of military people represented. There were those who had previous served, active military and those in training. And of course, my mind went to the spiritual realm to see and hear what the Lord was speaking during that time. God said here today we have the past, present and the future. Can I tell you today, God is the God of the past, present and the future.

At the event, the retirees and those who have served time before shared about their experiences, those one were currently serving talked about what they missed from not being at home and of course the cadets, our future talked about how they were already tired. But what this reminds me of is that God's grace kept us (past), his assurance (present) helps us to keep moving forward and his resurrection power (future) provides us the final victory. For those of us who are no longer serving our stories tell of the past. How and what we did to make it. For when we started out, our minds where set one way, but by the time we graduate basic training we became new creatures. When went on to other destinations and sat in the seat of learning how to maneuver as these new creatures. If we allowed ourselves to be transform into soldiers, marines, airmen, and sailors then we realize our old ways, our old thinking and our old routines were surely no more. Here we became the future. Now, the future is looking at the past and the present. We thank God that we have an opportunity become a new creators once again. We thank him for being the God of the past because he looks beyond all of our faults and extends his forgiveness. We thank God for being the God of our present because we can ask him to lead us, protect us, comfort us, love us, keep us, heal us, and provide for us each and every day, We thank God for being the God of our future because he pick up that "old rugged cross", carried it to Calvary, stretched out his arms, hung his head and died, and on the 3rd day he arose from the dead, giving us a future like no other. I don't know about today you but, I'm so glad I am a new creator, old things, old ways, old habits all have past away. I'm able to walk in the newness of life with joy unspeakable joy, peace that I don't need an explanation and love that covers all sins. and lastly I'm so glad that he already planned my future, everlasting life.

Don't get caught up in your past, that it restricts your present and make you miss out on your future.

Have a blessed week and I love you.

Pastor Jai

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