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Ezekiel 21: 25-27 - 25 “O King Zedekiah,[d] evil prince of Israel, your final day of reckoning is here. 26 Take off your jeweled crown,” the Lord God says. “The old order changes. Now the poor are exalted and the rich brought very low. 27 I will overturn, overturn, overturn the kingdom, so that even the new order that emerges will not succeed until the Man appears who has a right to it. And I will give it all to him.

How many of you are ready for some things to be overturned in your life? I mean you are ready for the sword of God which is sharpened and polished to come in and settle the score. I prophesy, HAPHAK, shall come into our lives, IN JESUS NAME. Haphak, is the Hebrew word for to turn or to overturn. God says he wants to overturn some things in your life, but you have to make a choice. The choice is do you continue in your own understanding or decide to allow Jesus Christ to be resurrected in your life. The scripture let us know that the overturn want happen until the the right man comes on the scene. I know this is not an easy task, but God wants to see us succeed. We can succeed by making one choice, letting Jesus in. Jesus is our only chance to become the righteousness of God. Jesus helps us make the right decisions. We mess up over and over again, but when we allow Jesus to come into our heart He makes those decisions for us. He overturns our thoughts to go our own way and change them to go the Father's way. It is the Jesus in us that allows us to obey the law of love - "Love thy neighbor as thy self". That's why in this scripture the sword will be used on both the righteous and the evil. It is sharpened and polish so the blade can cut better. This sword, the word of God deals with both parties. As the prophet said what God told him, overturn, overturn, overturn. I declare and decree overturn will come to your house this week. How many of you are tired of getting the same results, make a decision today to let God all the way in. Let him help you have an overturn in your life. Surrender.

I just want to prophesy, HAPHAK, come into our lives this week and take up residence. Overturn the decisions we will try to make this week if they are not the right decisions. I declare that Jesus will come and sit on the throne of our hearts and reign forever. Jesus is the one we trust with our lives so, come overturn all other kingdoms God and any new kingdoms that will attempt to come and take Jesus' place. Establish your kingdom God, in us so that we can establish it here on Earth. This is our prayer today oh Lord, in Jesus Name, Amen.

I love you,

Pastor Jai

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