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Lead me to Still Waters

Psalm 23:2(KJV) - He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

Good morning, I want to talk today about God leading us to still waters. Media has been highlighting so many fear-based news reports. There is drought conditions going on in the west, storms tearing up the south, young people running around with weapons, more senseless killings and the list goes on and on. Nevertheless, God wants to lead us to "Mai Menochot". Mai Menochot is the Hebrew word for still waters and right now we could surely use some tranquility in our lives. With all of these things going on, I am reminded of the 1970's and 80's Calgon commercial, "Calgon take me away". If you are not familiar with the commercial it shows a woman who replays everything that has happened in her day and she needs this luxury bubble bath to take her away. Allowing God to lead you to still water will do all these things and much more than a Calgon bath.

I must say this transition we are going through on my job is not easy. There are challenges are every level. There are many emotions and our peace has been disturbed. Like most jobs, decisions are made to benefit the employer not the employees. For the most part the relationship is not balance, but there is one person I know who can provide us peace when the waters are moving rapidly and it feels like we are being left out or treated unjustly. If we, the sheep will allow him to lead us to that place of rest, to that place of peace, to that place of trusting him and him only, situations like this want overwhelm us. We want need Calgon to take us away. God, our Father the Good Shepherd is our Calgon. The living water he provides is phenomenal. Our natural body can't make it without water so, it is just as vitally important to know that our spiritual body can't make it without the living water. It is that living water which quenches our thirst. There will be many today on Father's Day who will be thirsty and the number one father, God our Father wants to lead you to "Mai Menochot". This is what I have to do every time I find myself in a "Calgon moment". I have to ask God to take me away and lead me to still waters. It is there were he restores my soul because in him I find peace. Peace can't be found in people or in things. Peace can only be found in Jesus. Lord, lead us to your still waters today.

Happy Father's Day and may God's peace be your portion today.

I love you,

Pastor Jai

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