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God's Healthy Wisdom Recipe

Proverbs 3: 7-8(NKJV) - Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and depart from evil. 8 It will be health to your [a]flesh, And strength[b] to your bones.

Did you know there is a healthy recipe found in third chapter of Proverbs that will helps us stay healthy? I mean it can help us have and maintain a healthy appetite for the things of God. Many of us spend time looking for the best recipe to help us maintain our physical bodies, but, if we draw our attention to these three things: not being wise in our on eyes, fearing the Lord and getting away from evil these things will discipline our spiritual posture which will command our physical body to line up.

I just want to take a few minutes to drop a few nuggets about these three powerful appeals.

  • Don’t be wise in your own eyes – Don’t let the power of religion give you a false pride; thinking it gives you the right to adopt a vain conceited posture. Don't let your worldly wisdom be your foundation because in this flesh there is no good thing. Trust God's thoughts that have been settled in the Word.

  • Fear the Lord – Hate what God hate. He never tells us to hate people. We must learn how to hate the sin that people are in that separates them from experiencing God’s fullness for their lives too include true salvation. His word commands us to Love thy neighbor as thyself. Hate pride, arrogance and any words that misrepresent the truth, God's truth.

  • Stay away from evil - Staying away from evil could seem so hard since evil is sitting on every corner. Nevertheless we can take confidence in the scriptures as it relates to evil - stay submitted to God, put on the full armor of God, read your word and keep praying, keep away from strife, pride and selfishness.

In conclusion, choose to apply God's recipe of wisdom to your life today. It will be nourishment to your whole body.

Be encouraged on today.


Pastor Jai

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