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Don't worry about the outside

I Samuel 16:7 (NIV)- But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

Good morning everyone. I'm early with my blog because I believe someone needs to hear this today. Let me share with you my story. Yesterday, while working I was gathering some supplies that were needed for a COVID testing and vaccine event at a shelter. These were supplies the team discovered they had forgotten and needed quickly. The only empty box I had access to at the time was a box the had a picture and the word "speculum" on it. I placed the items in the box and quickly went downstairs to give it to the person who was coming back to pick them up. Those working the event were so fixated on what was on the box they even asked me about it and this is what I said. "Why did it matter about the box? The issue was you needed the supplies." During the debrief, one of the nurses mention about the box again. I said, "let me go ahead and make this box preach." I told them stop worrying about what was on the outside of the box because what you needed was in the inside of the box." Too many people focus on the outside of a thing and miss the important details of what's in the inside. How many of you know your eyes will trick you? Even the Lord, told Samuel I'm not looking at the outward appearance, but I'm looking at the heart. We have all messed up by looking at the outside of a thing or a person and it does not appear to be what we thought. I'm telling you today, forget about the outside of a thing, but examine the inside of a thing. There could be some hidden things hiding along side that wall, pushed back into a corner going undetected. There could be some pressed down things, buried under some fancy clothes and expensive shoes masked as a name brand product. I'm just saying this morning, don't focus on the packaging, but focus on the heart of the matter. What's the purpose of buy a new car, but the engine and the transmission is not quality. Take your time today, don't focus on what you see, but carefully examine the heart of each matter. Wait for God's timing in this season. Be bless and To God be the Glory.

Happy Saturday.

Love you,

Pastor Jai

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