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Cloudy Day

Numbers 9:21 - So it was, when the cloud remained only from evening until morning: when the cloud was taken up in the morning, then they would journey; whether by day or by night, whenever the cloud was taken up, they would journey.

COVID-19 has presented us with some wilderness times, but we can find hope today for our journey captured in the scripture, Numbers 9:21. The children of Israel where in the wilderness, but God directed them by using a cloud. They moved according to God’s plan. No matter how long they had to remain still or how often they moved the cloud was their guide during their rough time. Often when we look out and see clouds, we immediately turn toward negative thoughts, but in this scripture the cloud is a visible sign that God is with them and guiding them. Today and thereafter will you view the clouds as the glory and the presence of the Lord. We focus on the sunshine saying, “God has smiled on me”, but today, can we thank God for the cloud. Don’t let all the gloomy days around COVID-19 shift our focus to a negative experience. Today, we can find assurance that God is in the cloud. He is guiding us every step up the way. We just need to follow Him in the cloud.

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Aug 09, 2020

What a fitting word for today. As I read this post it reminded me of the song "The Storm is Passing Over". Covid 19 has given us an opportunity to allow our soul to be still and contemplate the direction that God would have a life to go. Now is the time that we must look to heaven and follow that cloud by day and that fire by night and allow God to speak to us. Everybody be encouraged and remember this too shall pass! Thank my sister friend Pastor J for your wonderful words of encouragement.

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