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Bear Your Cross

Luke 14:27 (NKJV)- And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple.

We have been taken this journey over the past 2 weeks about the cross. Now, we have found ourselves in the position to decide if we will bear our cross. We can take our lesson from Jesus. He laid the foundation for us. We make it seem difficult, when it really is easy. What do I mean? The word tell us in Math 19:26 that with God all things are possible. We can't do it in our own strength. Jesus stayed in constant communication with the Father thru prayer in order to have the strength to bear the cross. What I learned in my studies is that God gave us legal authority to speak to him in the spiritual realm. It is in the spiritual realm we pray and it be manifested here on Earth. Time and time it seemed like my cross was too hard to bear, but each time I followed Jesus' way, victory showed up.

Don't be afraid to bear your cross, pick up your cross and begin to endure it. How do you endure? Use one of your most important spiritual war weapons, PRAYER. In prayer, I can see God's plan for my life on Earth and call it forth. In prayer, I can interrupt the enemies plan by being proactive instead of reactive. In prayer, I can have say "thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven". It is in prayer, we choose to be an active participant in what happens in our lives; therefore when our crosses come we can stay silent or we can choose to lift up our voice and pray. There will come times when we will have to deny others, things and ourselves to get the promises God has already laid up for us in the spiritual realm. So I charge you today, pick up your cross and follow Jesus. He has already paved the way. Jesus didn't bear the cross alone and we don't have to bear our crosses alone either.

Have a blessed day and I love you!

Pastor Jai

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