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Be Diligent

Proverbs 12:25(NKJV) - The lazy man does not roast what he took in hunting, But diligence is man’s precious possession.

Growing up I loved talking and spending time with my grandparents as well as the older people in my neighborhood. These talks were part of my wisdom journey. One of the things they would say to me would be always do your “due diligence”. Also, my momma would tell me if you were going to anything do it all the way or don’t do it at all. I did not realize back then that they were all teaching me about the concept of being diligent.

When I tell you everything we need can be found in God’s word. Here it is. Diligence can be found in Proverbs 12:25. What I have learned is the value of being diligent can be and is a precious possession. Being diligent should be looked upon as something precious. In Heb 11:6 it tells us without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

Not only is diligence our precious possession. It also brings rewards.

We have gotten away from being diligent. We have picked up the mindset of getting things without doing our own due diligence. God want us to be diligent. When we are diligent, we have access to blessings, rewards, favors, promotions, wealth, and excellence.

What's your role? Be more diligent. Learn how to work toward the goal even when things get bad. Learn how to press your way even when you can't see the next step. Stick with the commitments. Celebrate your small things. Understand the assignment. Learn this skillset and put it in your toolbox.

Love you,

Pastor Jai

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