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Romans 1:20(NIV)- For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

I just want to take a few minutes to talk about God being big in our lives. The reason God should be seen as "big" in our lives can be explained in this scripture. The etymology of the word "big" dates back to the 1300 where it simply meant powerful and strong. In the 1400, it shifted to a general meaning of something of great size or full-grown. Today, we automatically associate the word "big" as something we can visibly see; however in this scripture we can clearly see big is something we can't see. Big is an divine connection with God. God is big because we must understand that it is his invisible qualities which allows us to experience him being big in our lives making no mistakes that He along is God. First, we know God is big because of his eternal power. What is eternal power? Eternal power is knowing that God has been here since the beginning of creation. The world is full of inventors, but one thing for sure no one can measure up to our God. He created the heavens and earth, the moon and the stars. I don't believe we can find a person living or dead who has been able to invent either of these things; therefore, this let us know God is big. Also, the Bible tells us he is Alpha and Omega. Second, God is big because of his divine nature. Now, we need a drum roll to talk about his divine nature. Let me get a drum roll please....... just to name a few

  • God is love.

  • God is Sovereign

  • God is Omnipotent

  • God is Omniscient

  • God is Constant

  • God is Forgiving

  • God is merciful

In conclusion, to the believers and the unbelievers the word of God states people should have no excuse understanding just how BIG OUR GOD IS. My call today is: If God is not BIG in your life today, make GOD big today because of his invisible qualities.

Be bless and much love,

Pastor Jai

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